8 Things You Should Do As Soon As You Get Engaged

Wedding Engagement 2

Congratulations on your engagement! This is such an exciting time filled with love, joy, and anticipation. While it’s tempting to dive headfirst into wedding planning, it’s important to take a moment to establish a solid foundation for your journey ahead. In this blog post, I’ll share eight essential things you should do as soon as you get engaged to ensure a smooth and enjoyable wedding planning process.

1. Celebrate and Share the News: Before jumping into the logistics, take time to celebrate this milestone with your partner and loved ones. Host an engagement party, plan a romantic dinner, or arrange a video call to share the news with friends and family. These special moments will create lasting memories and set the tone for the exciting times to come.

2. Insure Your Engagement Ring: Your engagement ring is not only a symbol of love but also a valuable possession. Protect it by getting it insured. Reach out to your insurance provider to add the ring to your policy or explore specialized jewelry insurance options. This step will provide peace of mind, knowing that your ring is safeguarded.  Another good tip is to ensure that your ring fits perfectly.

3. Discuss Your Wedding Vision: Sit down with your partner and have an open and honest conversation about your vision for the wedding. Discuss your preferred date, budget, guest count, general style and priorities. This initial discussion will help you align your expectations and make informed decisions moving forward.

4. Set a Realistic Budget: Weddings can quickly become expensive, so it’s crucial to establish a realistic budget early on. Consider your financial situation and discuss how much you’re comfortable spending. Research average wedding costs in your area to get an idea of what to expect. Creating a budget will help guide your decision-making process throughout the planning journey.  If you need more help in organizing this, I have curated a wonderful budget planner called the Wedding Blueprint Budget Planner. Check it out.

5. Create a Preliminary Guest List: Start compiling a preliminary guest list to estimate the size of your wedding. This list will influence many aspects, including venue selection, catering, and overall logistics. Remember, the number of guests significantly impacts your budget, so be mindful of who you truly want to share this special day with.  I would assign a letter to your guest as well.  A: meaning they must be invited (80%) B: you’d like to have them to be there (10%) and C: optional attendance (10%).  This will help you in prioritizing your guests. Then take the entire list, with full names, address, emails and telephone numbers in an excel spreadsheet. When you are ready to send your invitations out, invite A list, and keep the B list on hand to start inviting if any of the A list send their regrets.  Same goes for the C list when the B list becomes exhausted.

6. Research and Visit Potential Venues: Finding the perfect wedding venue takes time and research. Begin by exploring different venues online and shortlist those that align with your vision and budget. Schedule site visits to see the spaces firsthand and ask questions regarding availability, pricing, and any specific requirements. A beautiful venue sets the stage for a memorable celebration.  And remember most venues are booking sometimes up to two or three years in advance.  The early bird gets the worm.

7. Hire a Wedding Planner: Consider whether you’d like to hire a professional wedding planner to assist you throughout the process. A wedding planner can help with vendor recommendations, budget management, timeline creation, and overall coordination, allowing you to relax and enjoy the journey. If you decide to hire a planner, start researching and interviewing potential candidates early on.

Closed up finger on keyboard with word WEDDING PLANNER

8. Start a Wedding Planning Timeline: Kick start your wedding planning by creating a detailed timeline. Outline key milestones and deadlines, such as booking vendors, sending out invitations, and selecting attire. A well-organized timeline will help you stay on track and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

The early stages of engagement set the tone for your wedding planning journey. By taking these eight essential steps as soon as you get engaged, you’ll establish a strong foundation, allowing you to approach the planning process with confidence and excitement. Remember to cherish this time with your partner and enjoy the process of turning your dreams into reality.

Happy planning!

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Gregarious event planner, loving and living life in Montpellier & Montreal. My passions are food, art, politics & entertaining #VivreMaFrance